-30€ DISCOUT with code SAVE

Save an additional €30 when you skip the refund.

With the €30 Keep It & Save Bonus, we aim to encourage and reward conscious shopping. If you decide to keep at least one jacket from your purchase or opt for a FREE exchange (store credits are also an option), you‘ll get an additional €30 DISCOUNT from us on your CollectionSale deal!

Use the code SAVE for this 30€ extra discount.

Feel free to contact us in advance to find your perfect size if you're unsure!

If you return an item, you have the following options:

You can exchange for any available jacket or vest of your choice. We will refund any price difference or you can pay the difference. We offer 2 free exchanges per order. For any further exchanges, you will need to cover the return shipping costs.

If you ordered multiple jackets and keep one, we will fully refund the rest. There are no return shipping costs for you.

By choosing the 30€ Keepit&Save discount, you waive the refund option for your order and instead accept a credit that can be used indefinitely. However, you will receive a refund if you've ordered multiple jackets and keep at least one.

Your return is FREE in any case. You’ll receive your credit as a voucher code, which you can use until the full amount is spent


Please enter the email address you used to register. You will receive a temporary link to reset your password.